April 30, 2021

Dr. Javier Cortés, one of the 10 best oncologists in Catalonia according to the Coordenadas Institute of Governance and Applied Economics

Dr. Javier Cortés Castán, director of the International Breast Cancer Center (IBCC), has been named one of the ten best oncologists in Catalonia, according to the official report TOP METGES.CAT 2021, from the Coordenadas Institute of Governance and Applied Economics.

This ranking of top oncologists has been developed based on the care, research and teaching activity of these professionals. The Coordenadas Institute of Governance and Applied Economics, which created it, is an institute dedicated to ideas and research that aims to constructively and decisively advance the three areas of social welfare, economic progress and environmental sustainability.

The recognition of Dr. Cortés is a response to his prolific and intense career in breast cancer research and treatment, which he always approaches from both a scientific and a humanistic standpoint. He is the author of more than 300 international publications, especially on breast cancer. He is the only Spanish person to have had two publications in the magazine CA: a Cancer Journal for Clinicians, the medical journal with the highest impact factor in the world.

He has also given more than 600 talks at various international congresses. He is part of over 150 scientific projects related to this disease, with a leadership position in many of them, and he has been very actively involved in the clinical trials that have led to the approval of seven new treatments for metastatic breast cancer in Europe during the last decade. He is very involved in research against this type of cancer, especially in the triple-negative and HER2-positive subtypes.

He is a reviewer of several top medical journals such as New England Journal of MedicineLancetLancet OncologyAnnals of Oncology and Journal of Clinical Oncology.

He is also an active member of the Spanish, European and American societies of Medical Oncology (SEOMESMA and ASCO), as well as being a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO). He was chair for breast cancer at ESMO 2020 and co-chair of the same section at the congress of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2020, and also of the area of immunotherapy at AACR 2021.

Bienvenidos a International Breast Cancer Center, el primer centro hiperespecializado en cáncer de mama de España.

Si te acaban de diagnosticar un cáncer de mama, si estás siguiendo un tratamiento, si quieres saber más sobre esta enfermedad porque tienes dudas, miedo e incertidumbre, no estás sola. El equipo de International Breast Cancer Center, con más de quince años de experiencia en la investigación  y el tratamiento de este tipo de cáncer, te quiere acompañar.

Un equipo de oncólogos, radiooncólogos, cirujanos oncológicos, patólogos, radiólogos, psiconcólogos y demás profesionales, trabajamos juntos para que tu tratamiento sea tan particular como tú, para acompañaros a ti y a tu familia y entorno de forma personalizada, con comprensión y respeto, durante todo el camino.

Quizá no te sientes preparada para afrontar este proceso, pero seguro que te tranquiliza saber que nosotros sí lo estamos. Porque no paramos nunca de avanzar. Y lo hacemos por ti.

Equipo IBCC