The first hyper-specialized breast cancer center in Spain

A specialist women's centre that covers all aspects of breast cancer prevention, management, treatment and comprehensive support to tackle the disease.

At the IBCC the patient need only be concerned with their health; we take care of everything else.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a disease that consists in the uncontrolled, abnormal growth of breast cells.


Always at your disposal via email, social media, phone and in person. For either an initial visit or a second opinion.


At the IBCC we will be there with you throughout. You'll never be alone; that's our commitment.

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to the most common concerns. If you have any questions, contact us!

Personalized treatment

Achieving the best results requires the design of a truly personalized treatment adapted to each patient.


For the duration of the pandemic, continue to consult us and attend your appointments

Breast Cancer

Research / clinical trials

Our expert team

International Breast Cancer Center

Research / clinical trials


Why was the IBCC created?

There was a need for a centre dedicated exclusively to the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer where all the professionals are specialists in this disease


“We are probably looking at the most relevant, important and impactful results in the history of breast cancer”

Dr. Javier Cortés


“I asked and everyone gave me one name: Dr. Javier Cortés. You don’t need to look for anyone else.”

Montse Planas

IBCC news

Participation in international conferences, congresses and forums

IBCC professionals actively participate as speakers or organizers at international breast cancer congresses and forums that bring together the world's leaders in breast oncology.

Acknowledgments and awards

The medical, scientific and research excellence of IBCC professionals has been recognized by institutions and organizations of renowned prestige.

IBCC activity and news

The IBCC's activity centres on incorporating innovative therapies and care with the focus on the well-being of the patient and their family

Scientific publications

The IBCC team regularly publishes results of research or clinical trials in the most prestigious journals in the world. Here you can find the latest.


The IBCC often appears in national and international media. Here we present the most relevant articles.

Bienvenidos a International Breast Cancer Center, el primer centro hiperespecializado en cáncer de mama de España.

Si te acaban de diagnosticar un cáncer de mama, si estás siguiendo un tratamiento, si quieres saber más sobre esta enfermedad porque tienes dudas, miedo e incertidumbre, no estás sola. El equipo de International Breast Cancer Center, con más de quince años de experiencia en la investigación  y el tratamiento de este tipo de cáncer, te quiere acompañar.

Un equipo de oncólogos, radiooncólogos, cirujanos oncológicos, patólogos, radiólogos, psiconcólogos y demás profesionales, trabajamos juntos para que tu tratamiento sea tan particular como tú, para acompañaros a ti y a tu familia y entorno de forma personalizada, con comprensión y respeto, durante todo el camino.

Quizá no te sientes preparada para afrontar este proceso, pero seguro que te tranquiliza saber que nosotros sí lo estamos. Porque no paramos nunca de avanzar. Y lo hacemos por ti.

Equipo IBCC