February 22, 2021

The IBCC has a website and social media to communicate all its healthcare, teaching and research activities and be closer to patients

The International Breast Cancer Center (IBCC) has a new website, ibcc.clinic, and social media accounts, Linkedin and Facebook, to communicate all its healthcare, teaching and research activities, focused on breast cancer; and to open new communication channels in order to be closer to patients, supporting them at all times, and also to maintain constant contact with professionals, the health sector and society as a whole, with an international outlook.

The new IBCC website is therefore available in two languages, English and Spanish, and offers all the information regarding the centre, its team, news, care and therapeutic news, publications and advances in research; but above all it is an open door to its patients, going beyond the physical consultation. First and foremost, the website is designed by and for IBCC patients, with the goal that a woman affected by breast cancer never feels alone when facing this disease. 

To this end, the website has provided a Support section, where we explain what breast cancer is, how to contact the IBCC, and sections such as Never alone, Personalized treatment and Frequently asked questions to resolve any concerns that you may have. 

The launch of the IBCC website and its social media accounts, Linkedin and Facebook, responds to the centre’s philosophy of going beyond the physical consultation and offering its patients care without boundaries, providing them with various contact options and offering them all the information and support that they, and those closest to them, need.

Bienvenidos a International Breast Cancer Center, el primer centro hiperespecializado en cáncer de mama de España.

Si te acaban de diagnosticar un cáncer de mama, si estás siguiendo un tratamiento, si quieres saber más sobre esta enfermedad porque tienes dudas, miedo e incertidumbre, no estás sola. El equipo de International Breast Cancer Center, con más de quince años de experiencia en la investigación  y el tratamiento de este tipo de cáncer, te quiere acompañar.

Un equipo de oncólogos, radiooncólogos, cirujanos oncológicos, patólogos, radiólogos, psiconcólogos y demás profesionales, trabajamos juntos para que tu tratamiento sea tan particular como tú, para acompañaros a ti y a tu familia y entorno de forma personalizada, con comprensión y respeto, durante todo el camino.

Quizá no te sientes preparada para afrontar este proceso, pero seguro que te tranquiliza saber que nosotros sí lo estamos. Porque no paramos nunca de avanzar. Y lo hacemos por ti.

Equipo IBCC