August 2, 2021

The Breast Tumour Committee, key to deciding the optimal treatment for each patient

Any patient with a cancer diagnosis must always be evaluated by a Multidisciplinary Committee, made up of doctors from different specialities with experience in each oncological area, who meet periodically in order to establish the best therapeutic plan for each patient. These committees are known as Tumour Committees.

The initial management of any oncological process has a direct impact on therapeutic success, and it is scientifically proven that presenting cases to a Tumour Committee increases the chances of recovery. For this reason, it is a medical/care obligation to avoid making individual therapeutic decisions about these patients.

If we look specifically at the Breast Tumour Committee, it is made up of Gynaecologists, General Surgeons, and specialists in Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Pathological Anatomy, Plastic Surgery, Radiation Oncology and, of course, Medical Oncology.

In general, breast cancer does not require urgent treatment, and it is crucial to study each case in detail before making therapeutic decisions. Therefore, it is essential to keep patients well informed at all times, to reduce the anxiety and stress involved in the diagnosis of an oncological process.

At the International Breast Cancer Center (IBCC) we have a team of specialists dedicated exclusively to the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with breast cancer; we are a hyper-specialized centre for this disease.

Meanwhile, our Programming team is responsible for requesting all necessary complementary examinations in a swift and efficient manner, also dealing with authorizations with the Mutual Insurance Companies. As a result, patients’ only concern is their own oncological condition.

If you’ve just been diagnosed with breast cancer, consult the IBCC. We commit to carrying out the first visit in under 48 hours and to establishing an individualized therapeutic plan, assessed by a Tumour Committee, with the maximum guarantees, in the shortest possible time.

Bienvenidos a International Breast Cancer Center, el primer centro hiperespecializado en cáncer de mama de España.

Si te acaban de diagnosticar un cáncer de mama, si estás siguiendo un tratamiento, si quieres saber más sobre esta enfermedad porque tienes dudas, miedo e incertidumbre, no estás sola. El equipo de International Breast Cancer Center, con más de quince años de experiencia en la investigación  y el tratamiento de este tipo de cáncer, te quiere acompañar.

Un equipo de oncólogos, radiooncólogos, cirujanos oncológicos, patólogos, radiólogos, psiconcólogos y demás profesionales, trabajamos juntos para que tu tratamiento sea tan particular como tú, para acompañaros a ti y a tu familia y entorno de forma personalizada, con comprensión y respeto, durante todo el camino.

Quizá no te sientes preparada para afrontar este proceso, pero seguro que te tranquiliza saber que nosotros sí lo estamos. Porque no paramos nunca de avanzar. Y lo hacemos por ti.

Equipo IBCC